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Historical Thinking Skills


Establish Historical Significance

How do we decide what and whose stories to tell?

Example The October Crisis


Use Primary Source Evidence

How do we know what we know?

Example: Vimy Ridge


Identify Continuity & Change

Does change always mean progress?

Example: Climate of Fear (post WWII)


Analyze Cause & Consequence

What are the causes that are hidden from view?

Example: Prohibition


Take Historical Perspectives

How can we ever understand the past?

Example: Responses to the Depression


Understand Ethical Dimensions of History

What do historical injustices and sacrifice mean for us today?

Example: Japanese Internment


Try applying these 6 Historical Concepts

Example: The Oka Crisis


Online Sources

Passwords required for home use

Useful Sites
General History Sites



CHW3M World History to the 16th Century

Link to Ms. Collishaw's site​


CHA3U American History


CHT3O World History Since 1900
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Galleries & Museums

The Renaissance & Early Modern Era 1454-1600  ebook

(password protected)

These 3 titles are password protected

Defining Documents:


World War I


Returning Soldiers


The Twenties and The Depression (CBC Learning)


World War II, 1950s and Cold War (CBC Learning)


The 1960s, 1970s (CBC Learning)


The 1980s and 1990s (CBC Learning)


The 1990s-- and Our Place in the World


Prime Ministers


BBC History

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